In the world of technology, there are countless ways to connect with one another. The three social media tools I selected were photo sharing websites such as Facebook, Twitter and text messaging. According to Fiegerman (2014) "Facebook's market share value is significantly worth more than even technology monopoly Amazon." Facebook annually has an estimated 1 billion users actively on and connecting with people from across the world. With social media networks and the freedom to access the world wide web, Information sent to and from sources have never been the same again. Facebook is an extremely valuable source of connectivity amongst peers etc. You can post, share and "re post" or "re-blog" other users statuses and photos all with one click of the button. Facebook will be able to reach users more effectively, primarily based on the fact that it has a huge fan base and popularity with adolescent groups.
Twitter is often sought after as a "King of News feed" According to Franklin (n.d) "A few years ago, Twitter was punchier, more interactive, easier to use and it didn't take me long to get gathered up in the excitement." Twitter has gained high acclaim in it ability to send out messages from users at rapid speeds and re-blogs. Companies, celebrities and other locals such as myself are able to connect with one another through social media websites like this and save our conversations. For example, If I wanted to attach or "Tag" superstar Beyonce Knowles-Carter to my twitter message and say hello, she could see what I posted and reply if she wanted to. Millions of people are able to view your comments and others at fast speeds while also sending replies and messages of their own. Twitter is most definitely a great social media website to use.
Last but not least, text messaging which is a feature offered on the cellphones of today. Remember when you had to use either a pager or a payphone on the street to connect with one another? well technological advancement of cellular phones have made our lives a lot easier to connect. With the touch of a screen on a smartphone, you can send messages including photos, screenshots etc. to groups of people etc. This is a clear and effective way of sending information from one person to another. who wouldn't want to leave the house if you didn't need to. the technology of today is quite different from the technology of yesterday.
In synthesis, out of the three social media tools used, I find that Facebook is the most effective and provokes the most alarming responses. Most social Media networks of today allows users to send and receive information from other social media websites. Most phones have features that allow users to send pictures etc. to social media websites. With over 1 billion active users on this social media empire, it is the most successful platform thus far.
My Attempts are of the following:
Copy of a text message sent out to a friend of mines regarding a youth organization. Clear, fast and effective. this was done through ios7 software (Apple) IPhone 5S
Fiegerman., S. (2014). Facebook is bigger than Amazon, by Market Cap. Mashable. Retrieved from:
Franklin., S. (n.d). The Twitter Phenomenon. The Rangers Standard. Retrieved from:
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